21便民:[济南] [切换城市]



  • 网站:http://www.sdjtu.edu.cn/
  • 地址:山东济南市山东交通大学






学校坚持"以学生为中心,以教师为主体"的办学思想,以"明德至善 格物致知"为校训,以"严 尊 勤 全"为校风,构建了"素能本位"的人才培养模式和"大平台、小模块"的课程体系,注重培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,全面提高学生的综合素质。毕业生就业形势良好,主干专业就业率达到100%,平均一次性就业率达到95%以上,居同类院校前列。建校53年来,学校共为国家培养毕业生55000余名,并为交通行业培训各种管理干部和工程技术人员45000余名。他们以坚实的专业理论和较强的实践应用能力,成为交通战线上的业务技术和管理骨干。Su021便民网



Shandong Jiaotong University was established in the year of 1956. It mainly offers bachelor degree education, and enrolls students from all over China. The university has developed into a multi-discipline higher education institution to foster senior practical talents with engineering as its key disciplines and transportation related majors as its leading specialties.Su021便民网

The university is located in Jinan, the capital city of Shandong province, and Weihai, a coastal city in the province, and has 3 campuses, which covers an area of 2,800 Mu (more than 461 acres). There are more than 16,000 full-time students, over 1,200 staff member, and 858 teaching faculty, among whom there are over 356 teachers holding senior professional titles, 45 doctor degree holders, and 512 master degree holders, as well as 12 receivers of special government subsidy granted by the State Council. The university is entitled to recruit overseas students and launch sino-foreign program of jointly running schools. The university library houses 2.05 million volumes of books. The fixed assets of the university totals 1069million Yuan, of which there is 118 million Yuan worth of equipment and facilities.Su021便民网

The university consists of 14 departments/colleges, namely, Automobile Engineering Department, Civil Engineering Department, Transportation Engineering Department, Mechanical Engineering Department, Management Department, Information Engineering Department, Economics Department, Foreign Language Department, Humanity Science Department, Mathematics and Physics Department, Northern International College, Maritime College, Adult Education College, Vocational Technology College, and some teaching sections such as Social Sciences Teaching Section, Physical Education Teaching Section, Modern Education Center, etc. The university offers 69 bachelor and associate degree specialties, such as Vehicle Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Logistic Management, Civil Engineering, Surveying Engineering, Marine Machinery Engineering, Navigation Technology, Mechanical Design, Manufacturing Automation, Computer Science Technology, Electric Engineering Automation, English, Finance and Marketing, etc. These specialties involve 6 discipline categories, namely, engineering, science, management, economics, laws, and arts.Su021便民网

The university has more than 70 labs, among which Vehicle Structure Test Lab, Civil Engineering Lab, Electronic Information & Intelligent Traffic Lab and Modern Manufacturing Technology LAb are funded by the central and provincial governments, Vehicle Malfunction Test Diagnosis Lab and Engineering Mechanical Electro-hydraulic Control Lab are the key labs of Ministry of Communications.Su021便民网

Since the establishment of the university 52 years ago, the university has fostered more than 55000 graduates to the country, and trained more than 45000 administrative workers and engineering technicians for enterprises and institutions of communication and transportation system. In the spirit of “Keep Pace with the Times, Achieve Greater Development”, Shandong Jiaotong University has drawn its blueprint to the year 2010. Based on the optimized allocation of resources, the university will make its utmost efforts to improve the overall quality of talents, achieve its planned leaping development, and make itself a high-level university with distinctive features.Su021便民网

